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Is What’s Happening in Yemen Really Genocide?

Randi Nord  a journalist and co-founder of Geopolitics Alert. She covers U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East with a special focus on Yemen What Qualifies as Genocide? There isn’t a concrete definition of the word “genocide” and,…

Making Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe Even Worse

YemenExtra By: Daniel Larison The Washington Post calls on the Trump administration to pressure the Saudi coalition to halt its offensive against the port of Hodeidah: The world’s worst humanitarian crisis may be about to get much…

The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis Could Get Even Worse

YemenExtra By: Editorial Board of The Washington Post, THE WORLD’S worst humanitarian crisis may be about to get much worse. In Yemen, where some 8 million people are on the brink of famine and the worst cholera epidemic in history is…

Bashir is playing a dangerous game

Sudan's political crisis is sliding into a dangerous phase. Its economy is on the verge of collapse. The price of food and other basic commodities is rising by the day, worsening living conditions for ordinary Sudanese and stirring growing…

A Saudi Coalition Attack on Hodeidah Would Be Disastrous

YemenExtra By: DANIEL LARISON Reuters reports that Saudi coalition forces are massing for an assault on the port city of Hodeidah: It was unclear if Saudi Arabia’s Western allies, which have come under increasing scrutiny for arms…