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Turmoil In Yemen

YemenExtra Analysis by:Mehwish Akram One can say the unity within Yemen is required for bringing stability in the country and saving Middle East region in larger extent from future conflicts. There is a need for internal…

Our Responsibility Towards the Blockade

YemenExtra By:Abdullah Ali Sabri Prof. Journalist and the Head of the Media Union of Yemen The aggression is aimed at targeting us in various ways, in order to break us and subject us to the conditions of the…

Coalition wanted to re-install Hadi as a president

YemenExtra By: Abdulsalam Al-Dhahebi On the 22end of February 2018 the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel Al-Jubeir, took the conflict between truth and politics to entirely a new level, on his speech front of the…

Islah Party Plan to Contain GPC Party

YemenExtra By: Niazi al-Razhi T:SH.A. Days ago, the Washington Post conducted an interview with the war criminal Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,about Yemen, Mohammed bin Salman talked about ambitious…

S. Arabia responsible of killing Yemeni children

YemenExtra Medea Benjamin An American peace activist called on the UN for taking Saudi Arabia responsible for killing thousands of children and people in Yemen. A military intervention in Yemen was launched in 2015 by…

Undiplomatic Diplomacy

YemenExtra Saudi Arabia continues to needlessly make more enemies for itself By: Abdel Bari Atwan Saudi diplomacy under the current foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, has been distinctly lacking in the qualities and practices…