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Misery deepens as borders close

YemenExtra By:Dr. David Noguera, MSF Spain As the war in Yemen continues to devastate the civilian population, the Saudi-led coalition’s recent decision to tighten Yemen’s borders to humanitarian aid will only make an…

The War on Yemen and Trump’s Distorting Iran Obsession

YemenExtra By:Daniel Larison Trump’s statement on the nuclear deal last week included a ridiculous ultimatumthat the other P5+1 governments will ignore, and it also contained a significantly misleading description of the…

Fire and Fury in The Middle East

YemenExtra Saudi Arabia and Egypt would be well advised to reconsider their embrace of Trump By:Abdel Bari Atwan American journalist Michael Wolff’s insider view of the Trump White House, Fire and Fury, has caused an international…

How did takfiri thinking find its way into Europe?

YemenExtra By: Mohammad Ghaderi When European countries, played a facilitating and complementary role in the regional war which its scenario was written by the Arabic-American and Zionist troika, which led to the…

Don’t dare mention Yemen

YemenExtra By:Pervez Hoodbhoy AS an occasional guest on one of the dime-a-dozen talk shows that Pakistanis watch avidly every evening, I remarked that Donald Trump’s announcement on Jerusalem was certainly condemnable. But…

Commentary: Here’s what Washington should do about Yemen

YemenExtra By:Daniel R. DePetris Ambassador Nikki Haley pulled no punches at her Dec. 14 media conference in a U.S. Air Force hangar at Anacostia-Bolling. Taking what she called the “extraordinary step” of displaying missile…