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Iran Seeking to Extend 20-Year Agreement with Russia

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is planning to extend the 20-year agreement with Russia. Upon his rival to Moscow, Zarif referred to his second trip to the country and noted, “Following the talks between…

Chinese mission: China resolutely supporting JCPOA

YemenExtra “In marking the 5th anniv of the conclusion of #JCPOA, China will, no matter how int'l situation evolves, stand on the right side of history & resolutely support JCPOA in a concerted effort w/ other parties to advance the…

Iran will never kneel before US: Envoy

YemenExtra In an interview with Lusa News Agency, he added that the agreement is enforceable even in the absence of the US, as the other parties have not withdrawn from it. However, if the US returns to the deal, Iran will also be…

Iran calls on UN to intervene for saving Yemeni civilians

YemenExtra Mousavi strongly condemned the airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition on a ceremony in Yemen's al-Jawf province where over 25 innocent women and children were killed and wounded. He also sympathized with the survivors of the…

Russia: US Bid to Extend Iran Embargo Compromises JCPOA

YemenExtra Russia says the United States’ controversial bid to extend an arms embargo on Iran that is expected to expire under Tehran’s nuclear deal with world countries jeopardizes the prospect of the agreement’s continued preservation.…