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UNICEF: 10,000 children killed or injured in Yemen war

More than 10,000 children have been killed or injured in Yemen since the start of the ongoing conflict, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) announced yesterday. “10,000 children in Yemen have been killed or maimed since conflict…

Lawyers To Submit Coalition War Crimes Against Yemen To British Courts A British newspaper revealed efforts led by human rights lawyers to file a legal complaint before the British courts to prosecute prominent figures in Saudi Arabia and…

YPC Spokesman Accuses Coalition Of Looting Yemeni Oil

The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) spokesman, Essam Al-Mutawakel, accused the aggressive countries of looting and targeting the oil of the Yemeni people. Al-Mutawakel said, in a statement to Almasirah, “We suffer from a systematic looting…

Coalition Violates Hodeida Ceasefire Agreement 187 Times

The Coalition forces committed 187 violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeida province, a military official said. The official added the Coalition’s spy planes waged 2 raids on al-Faza area while 12 spy planes of the Coalition forces…

Coalition Launches 11 Raids On Marib, Jawf

The Coalition warplanes launched 11 raids on Marib and Jawf provinces, a security official said. The official added the Coalition’s warplanes targeted Madghal and al-Joba districts in Marib with 5 raids. He said the Coalition’s warplanes…

Islah Militias Storm Nissab Sit-In Square In Shabwa

Islah militias stormed on Tuesday in sit-in square of Nissab district in Shabwa province, east of Yemen, local sources said. The sources reported that the special forces of Islah raided the square, tore down the tents and attacked citizens…

Coalition Launches 14 Raids On Marib

The Coalition warplanes launched 14 raids on Marib province, a security official said. The official added the coalition s warplanes targeted each of Serwah and al-Joba districts with 7 raids. He said the coalition raids caused serious…