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At Least 1.8 Million Children Acutely Malnourished in Yemen
With the devastating impact of the ongoing campaign led by the Saudi regime in Riyadh against the impoverished country of Yemen, there has been a constant rise in the cases of malnutrition there, many of them…
Pakistan Denies Support for the Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen: Report
Pakistan denies a request made by the Saudi regime, for the second time, to participate in the war on Yemen.
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has refused to send Pakistani forces to fight in Yemen, stressing that his…
Hundreds of Thousands of Yemenis Protest Inflation, Saudi-Led Economical War: Pictures
In the capital Sana’a on Friday afternoon, citizens marched under the slogan ” The Printing of the currency and high prices are tools used by the Saudi aggression”, in which the participants held America and Saudi…
US keeps supporting the coalition in Yemen , despite Yemenis’ anger
By: Yousra Abdulmalik
The US keep increasing its support for Saudi Arabia since the onset of the warfare. It also provides the forces with bombing coordinates and has deployed a commando force on the kingdom’s border…
The Saudi -led coalition in Yemen foils peace talks in Geneva ,UN expresses its disappointment
Disappointment and failure were expressed by the UN envoy ,Graveft ,about the consultations of Yemen, whose first seccion was scheduled to be held on Thursday in the Swiss capital, when it failed to get a permit from the…
Suffering From Cancer Amid War in Yemen
In Yemen, each day, hour and minute doesn't pass but rather carries new pains and suffering for cancer patients as a result of the siege imposed by the brutal coalition on Yemen for four years, death is pursuing lives…
Whatch : Popular protests against the coalition in southern Yemen ,protesters burn pictures and…
A number of cities and provinces in south Yemen are witnessing civil disobedience and angry popular protests denouncing the policies and economic measures taken by the coalition and the government of Hadi, which have…
Outraged protests in Aden against Saudi-led economical war on Yemen
Malak Ali
The city of Aden and other provinces in southern Yemen witnessed civil disobedience and protests, the largest of its kind since the entry of coalition forces in protest against the policies of the coalition…
Here is what you don’t know about the coalition in Yemen!
Saudi Arabia says a school bus targeted in an airstrike in Yemen last month was a "legitimate target" after finally admitting "mistakes" which killed scores of children while U.S welcomes , but also supports.
Report: Suicide, Torture and Rape at UAE Prisons in Yemen’s Aden
A resident from the occupied southern coastal city of Aden committed suicide on Tuesday in a prison in Bir Ahmed, which is run by the United Arab Emirates, after refusing to release him under orders of the prosecution.…