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Saudi-Led Coalition War Crimes in Yemen on June 24th: Report

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition resumed its targeting of residential areas and Yemen’s infrastructure on Sunday in multiple provinces, leaving 29 killed and wounded on a single day, including women and children; in addition to…

Yemenis military operations respond to the coalition

YemenExtra Y.A On June 23 , the Yemeni army keep responding to the Saudi-led coalition's war that has been incessantly pounding Yemen since March 2015 in an attempt to crush the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement and reinstate former…

Saudi losses in lives in the Wset Coast

YemenExtra Y.A 39 of dead Saudi soldiers’ bodies, who were fighting in Yemen’s western coast, arrived to the Saudi capital of Riyadh, according to a military official. The 39 bodies arrived at Riyadh, after being transferred from the…

Who down UAE aircraft in Red Sea, kill its crew!

YemenExtra Y.A The Yemeni air defenses in the western coast on Thursday down an Emirati manned reconnaissance plane in the Red Sea off Jizan coast, killing its crew, a military source told YemenExtra. The UAE plane was carrying out a…