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Who Leads The Battle in North Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A US, UK and the united Arab of Emirates rejected any presence of al- Islah militias in the West Coast battles, informed sources said. This “Triple” disapproval came when Tariq Saleh showed up together in picture with…

Report warns Yemeni political forces of the new envoy

YemenExtra Y.A The last three years have seen a military activity by the Saudi-led military alliance against the Yemeni people. Saudi forces have launched a campaign of airstrikes in an attempt to subdue the Yemeni Army and the…

Iraqi delegation to visit Turkey over water dispute

YemenExtra Y.A An Iraqi government delegation will visit Turkey to discuss the country’s water share amid environmental concerns over Turkey’s Ilisu Dam on the Tigris River. Iraqi Water Resources Minister Hassan al-Janabi told the…

Drop a Spy Plane in Sa’ada

YemenExtra SH.A. Yemen's air defenses on Sunday dropped a spy plane belonging to the forces of the US-Saudi coalition in Saada province. The military source said that the air defenses managed to drop a spy plane to the…