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Arms Dealers and Lobbyists Get Rich as Yemen Burns

YemenExtra Y.A Chronic human rights violator Saudi Arabia is using American-made weapons against civilians in the fifth-poorest nation in the world, Yemen. And make no mistake: U.S. defense contractors and their lobbyists and…

WFP Kills People with Rotten, Expired Aid

YemenExtra SH.A. For nearly five years, the US-Saudi aggression and blockade of Yemen have created the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. It was not only the countries involved in the aggression that caused the disaster, the…

Saudi-led coalition pushes thousands of Yemeni to death

YemenExtra Y.A Thousands of Yemeni patients suffering from diseases risk dying unless dialysis centers across the war-ravaged country receive adequate supplies and their employees are paid. Minister of Public Health and Population…

Dead, wounded in Yemeni drone attack on Abha Airport

YemenExtra Y.A The Yemeni army forces launched retaliatory attacks on Abha and Jizan airports in southern Saudi Arabia, leaving multiple casualties. YemenExtra quoted its own correspondent as saying that the Yemeni drone attack on…

Saudi-led coalition abuses Muslim figures in southern Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) in Britain held the UAE  forces and their paid fighters, main part of the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US,  responsible for all assassinations in Aden city, southern…