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France wants to kill Yemenis ,misleads the whole world

 YemenExtra Y.A Diplomatic sources said that the prosecutor's office in Paris is investigating an investigation into the disclosure of military secrets after French media published a secret report prepared by the military intelligence…

Taiz province witnesses high tension

YemenExtra Y.A In an effort to rescue its paid fighters, the UAE forces threatened to use warplanes in order to bomb the Islah party paid fighters, loyal to the coalition,  inside the city of Taiz if the party’s campaign against the…

Saudi air strikes kill Yemeni children

YemenExtra SH.A.  Written By: Mona Zaid The four-and-year war in Yemen has left more than 18,000 civilian casualties most of whom were children. Death is not the only threat for children in Yemen, here are the challenges for Yemeni…

Yemeni army forces respond to Trump

YemenExtra Y.A The Yemeni army forces in several frontlines continue to deal with different situations facing the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, . Operations by the Yemeni army forces vary between attacking the invading…