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US using other countries to fight Yemenis!

YemenExtra Y.A The US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted 25 to 17, along party lines, in favor of a war powers resolution that would prevent the US military from providing any support to the Saudis and other countries…

CNN Report: Saudis Transferring US Weapons to Qaeda in Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A Saudi Arabia and its main accomplice in the war on Yemen, the UAE, have transferred American-made weapons to Al Qaeda terrorists, Salafi militias and other factions waging war in Yemen, in violation of their agreements…

The black January for Yemenis by the Saudi-led coalition!

YemenExtra Y.A By:Yousra Abdulmalik The cities of Aden and Hadramout are  witnessing many crimes of assassinations involving military officials, security officers and clerics by special assassination squads of the UAE and Saudi…

The Saudi-led coalition pays back over its actions in Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating military campaign against Yemen in March 2015, with the aim of bringing Hadi’s government back to power and crushing the country’s Houthi…

Yemeni Army spokesman reviews Saudi violations in January

YemenExtra M.A. Spokesman of the army Brig. Gen. Yahya Sarie on Saturday held a press conference, reviewing the ceasefire violations committed by Saudi-led coalition in Hodeidah province and its escalation in all fronts during January…