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Yemeni forces strike their enemy over this!
Yemeni army forces responded to against the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, in retaliation for its regime’s military campaign against their country.
Their Engineering Unit killed and injured a number of paid…
What is happening in the most important ports and airports in southern Yemen?
Local sources in Aden province,under the control of UAE, revealed that the Saudi-ledcoalition, backed by the US, destroyed a number of the most important economic establishments in the province, including the oil port…
The black year for the Saudi-led coalition : Yemeni official
Yemeni army forces carried out a retaliatory attack against the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, forces, killing a number of them in many battlefronts, while their spokesman says they have a large number of…
UN Envoy: Despite Obstacles, There Is a Swift Progress Between the Warring Parties
The United Nations special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, said Saturday that the parties to the conflict are moving rapidly towards progress despite difficulties.
“Our men were there on Dec.22, eight days after the…
Dead bodies all over UAE-Controlled Yemeni city!
The city of Aden is witnessing many crimes of citizens and assassinations involving military officials, security officers by special assassination squads of the UAE and Saudi forces in the city since United Arab…
The hidden hands of UAE in Yemen’s retaliatory drone raid in Lahj
By: Yousra Abdulmalik
Yemeni armY forces have launched a retaliatory drone attack against a gathering of Saudi-backed paid fighters, backed by the US, loyal to the ex-regime in the country’s southern province of…
UAE worsens humantrian crisis in Yemen, Yemeni spokesman gives it a new blow
While the crimes of the United Arab Emirates are unfolding day after day in the secret prisons of the southern provinces,in a press conference, the spokesman of the Yemeni army forces, Brig. Yahya Sare'e, indicated the…
The Saudi-led coaltion’s violatons, fatal operations faced by Yemenis over worsening Yemeni…
On Monday, the spokesman of the Yemeni army forces, Brigadier general Yahya Saree, held a press conference in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a, in which he revealed the the number of the defensive retaliated operations…
At least 600,000 Cases of Malaria, 6,900 Cases of Rabies and 15 Women Die Every Day at Delivery
Shefa'a Abdullah
A report issued by the Yemeni Health Ministry has recorded more than 600 thousand cases of malaria in 2018 . Hodeidah top listed the provinces that are most affected by malaria , then comes Hajja and Taiz…
What did the UN Envoy visit to the Yemeni Capital Accomplish? (Report)
Isaac Ali (Monday, Jan. 7)
Martin Griffith, the United Nations envoy to Yemen, returned to the capital of Sanaa last Saturday to enhance the fragile cease-fire agreement of Yemen’s Hodeidah. During his stay in Sanaa,…