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An urgent call from Yemeni woman to all Yemenis

YemenExtra Y.A Yemeni women called on every Yemeni to avenge from the Saudi-led coalition's paid fighters in response to the crime of raping a woamn in AL-Khokhah A statement issued by a massive women's demonstration in the Yemeni…

Rape of Yemeni Women by Coalition’s Militants

YemenExtra By:Shefa'a Abdullah Rape crimes of the Yemeni women by the militants of the coalition has increased  recently, amid the concealment of the so-called legitimacy and behind him the international media collusion with…

What Houthi reveal about local parties in Saudi Arabia

YemenExtra M.A Mohammed Alhuthi revealed in some remarks for Almayadin channel that the Local parties of Saudi Arabia are locked in hotels in Riyadh and can not offer anything. "Yemenis people can only except an honorable peace that…

Students condemn the rape of the Yemeni woman

YemenExtra M.A Students Assembly Condemns the rape of the woman by Sudanese Soldier in Hoediah .A married women with kids, was raped by a Sudanese soldier on Saturday in the province of Hodeidah, district of al-Khokha. The woman was…

Students , teachers condemen the raping of the Yemeni woman

YemenExtra M.A The students along with their teachers in Balqees School for Girls in the district of al-Minaa, in the coastal province of al-Hodeidah on Sunday held a protest to denounce the continuous crimes of US-back Saudi aggression…

Saudi missile aimes at Yemeni childern in

YemenExtra M.A A child was injured on Sunday after Saudi rocket fire targeted the district of Haidan in Saada province. The girl was injured by a rocket attack that bombarded the area of Raqqa, Haidan district, a source reported to…

What Yemenis suffer in Marib province

YemenExtra M.A The mercenaries of the Saudi-American aggression in Yemen bombarded on Sunday, the farms and property of citizens in the province of Marib with Katyusha rockets and artillery shells. The paid militias by the Saudi-led…