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Dozens of paid fighters killed in Taiz

YemenExtra Y.A Dozens of the paid fighters were killed and wounded in an offensive by the Yemeni joint forces in the western coast front in Taiz province overnight, a military official told "YemenExtra" on Saturday. The offensive…

Coalition’s Raid Killed a Woman in Taiz

YemenExtra SH.A. A Yemeni woman was killed in a raid launched by the US-Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Moza district of Taiz province on Saturday, a military source told YemenExtra The raid hit north of Alarish area in…

Melon listeria kills three in Australia

YemenExtra A third person has died in Australia after eating melon contaminated with listeria bacteria. Fifteen elderly people have now been infected in the outbreak, which is being linked to a melon-grower in the state of New…

US Renews its Support for Allied Aggression against Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. The United States renewed its support for the coalition of aggression against Yemen at a time when US lawmakers were trying to exploit the 1973 War Powers Act to force their country to withdraw from the war…

Coalition wanted to re-install Hadi as a president

YemenExtra By: Abdulsalam Al-Dhahebi On the 22end of February 2018 the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel Al-Jubeir, took the conflict between truth and politics to entirely a new level, on his speech front of the…