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Two raids destroys three of citizens’ cars in Saada

YemenExtra SH.A. The US-Saudi coalition's warplanes launched shortly before ,Saturday (February 10th) ,two citizens' cars in Aal-Ali,Razih district of the border province of Sa'ada. A local source in the province…

World hunger again on the rise:FAO

YemenExtra SH.A. After steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger is on the rise again, affecting 815 million people in 2016, or 11 per cent of the global population, says a new edition of the annual United Nations…

Yemeni dialysis patients risk dying: ICRC

YemenExtra SH.A. Thousands of Yemenis suffering from kidney failure risk dying unless dialysis centres in the war-torn country receive more supplies and their staff are paid, the ICRC said. Yemen’s health sector has been…

Thousands have been displaced in Yemen

YemenExtra Surging violence across Yemen had displaced some 85,000 people in the past 10 weeks, with hundreds continuing to flee each day, the UN said on Friday. The refugee agency UNHCR said more than 70 percent of those…