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A Yemeni Child Killed by Saudi Paid Militias in Marib

YemenExtra M.A. Elements of the Saudi paid militias kiledl a 13-year-old boy named Ahmed bin Ali al-Hadar al-Sharif on Thursday in Harib Bihan District, Marib governorate. The aforementioned militias working in favor of the Saudi war…

Ballistic Missile Scatters Paid Fighters in Midi

YemenExtra Y.A According to the Yemeni war medai , the Yemeni joint forces fired a ballistic missile, Zilzal 1, on gatherings of the paid fighters  in northern Midi desert as a response to the Saudi-led coalition nonstop air…

Paid Fighters Hit in Lahj

YemenExtra Y.A According to the Yemeni war media,  the missile units of the Yemeni joint forces ,Thursday, struck gatherings of the paid fighters in al-Qabida district of Lahj province as a response to the Saudi-led coalition daily air…

Saudi Bombardment on Villages in Saada Kills a Civilian

YemenExtra M.A. One Yemeni citizen lost his life while others sustained various wounds residing in different regions of Razih district, Saada bordering governorate, northern Yemen. The civilians fell as victims following Saudi…