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Ballistic Missile Fired on Paid Fighters in Taiz

YemenExtra Y.A According to a military source and in a response to the Saudi-led coalition daily air strikes, ,a ballistic missile, Sammud,  was fired by the Yemeni joint forces on gatherings of the paid fighters in Habashi…

Ballistic Missile Fired in Jawf

YemenExtra Y.A A military official , Sunday, reported that the Yemeni joint forces fired a ballistic missile, Zilzal 1, on the paid fighters in al-Maton district of Jawf province, . Due to firing the missile on the paid…

Israeli settlements almost tripled in 1st half of 2017

A newly published report shows that the scale of the Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories has increased by almost three times in the first half of 2017, compared to the same period last year. The…

Two Civilians Killed by Gunmen in Central #Yemen, Taiz

YemenExtra M.A. A recruiter affiliated with Saudi paid militias was killed on Saturday by unidentified gunmen riding a motorcycle in the downtown of Taiz governorate, central Yemen. According to YemenExtra's sources, eyewitnesses…

Saudi Newspaper “Terror” Label Denounced :Hamas

YemenExtra Y.A Hamas denounced ,Saturday ,a Saudi newspaper’s labeling the Palestinian movement as “terrorist.” In a statement issued by Hamas , it considered that the Riyadh newspaper’s label deforms the reputation and the struggle…