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war on yemen

US-Saudi Hostile Spy Drone Downed in Hajjah

YemenExtra M.A. Air Defenses of the Army and Popular Committees on Friday shot down a hostile spy plane in Hajjah. A military source reported that the air defenses of the Yemeni Army and the Popular Committees were able to shoot…

Report: Israel Gearing Up to Attack Ansarullah in Yemen

YemenExtra M.A. The Israeli military is planning to attack Ansarullah, a new report says, a move that is claimed to be part of the Tel Aviv regime's attempts to ensure the group never comes in contact with Iran. According to Press…

The horrible prcatices by the coalition faced by Yemenis

YemenExtra Y.A Air Defenses of the Yemeni army forces on Friday responded to the constant masscres in Hajjah by the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US. A military source told YemenExtra that the air defenses of the Yemeni army…