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war on yemen

Saudi-Led Coalition Targets a UN Boat at Hodeida Port

YemenExtra M.A. Fighter jets of the Saudi-led Coalition targeted a boat affiliated with the United Nations after it departed from the Yemeni port-city of Hodeida last night, a source reported on Monday. The boat was leaving Hodeida…

Saudi Humanitarian Violations in Yemen on 2-Jun-2018

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition, backed by the United States, continued on shelling various regions and Yemeni provinces, while it intensified its bombing on Saada province, where its assaults resulted in deaths and injuries…

Saudi Losses in May Uncovered (Statistics)

YemenExtra M.A. The Ansarullah, also known as Houthis, media center uncovered a military statistic of the losses suffered by the Saudi-led coalition and its paid combatants. The statistics also reveal details regarding the military…

To Whom it May Concern, Eleven Facts of the Yemen Crisis

YemenExtra SH.A. To whom it May concern, for those who interested, here are Eleven facts of the crisis in Yemen in its fourth year of war against every thing in this country. 1.  The humanitarian situation in Yemen is still…