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war on yemen

Coalition’s Crimes in YEMEN Within 24 Hours

YemenExtra SH.A. US-Saudi coalition's warplanes continues its raids on various provinces, causing material damage to public and private properties,below are crimes committed on Tuesday . In Hajja governorate,coalition's…

Yemeni Martyrs’ Families Continue to Supply Battlefronts

YemenExtra M.A. The family of the martyr Saif Mohammed al-Dailami in Bait Al-Afif region, Al-Sabeen district in Sana'a governorate, provided a food convoy for the Yemeni army and Ansarullah at various frontlines. The martyr's family…

Report: Coalition’s Crimes Within 24 Hours in #Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. The US-Saudi coalition's warplanes launched more than 40 raids on Yemen's governorates in the last 24 hours, while a number of border areas were hit by a rocket and artillery,killing and destroying homes and…

Saudi agents arrested by Yemeni securities in Bayda

YemenExtra M.A. Yemeni security services in Al-Bayda Governorate announced the arrest of a new cell affiliated with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in Rada District. The security media released confessions of the cell's members,…