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war on yemen

Yemenis Launch a Tweetstorm Against a Fresh Saudi Massacre

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition committed yet another war crime today morning in the Yemeni province of Saada, northern Yemen, where it claimed the lives of twenty nine and injured an additional twenty eight civilians as it…

Another Crime Committed on the Same Day in Saada Province

YemenExtra M.A. Two citizens were killed on Wednesday morning as a result of targeting passengers by the Saudi-led coalition jets. This is considered the second crime committed by the coalition in Saada Governorate within hours after a…

Saudi Raids Wound a Civilian in Saada Province

YemenExtra M.A. A citizen was highly injured, on Tuesday, as a result of a rocket attack on the bordering areas in Saada province. The source that spoke to YemenExtra revealed that the citizen was immediately injured after a shelling…