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war on yemen

Various Yemeni Governorates Under Saudi Airstrikes

YemenExtra M.A. Fighter jets of the 10-country Saudi-led coalition continue carrying their aerial bombardment on various Yemen governorates as reported by Yemeni Almasirah channel. In northern Yemen, particularly Saada, the coalition…

A Woman Killed by Shells of Saudi-Paid Militia in Taiz

YemenExtra M.A. A woman was killed on Thursday after Saudi-paid militia waged artillery bombardment on Yemeni civilian houses in Hayfan district, Taiz governorate. Yemeni Almasirah channel reported that the paid-militia targeted with…

Protests in Hajjah Governorate to Condemn Saudi Crimes

YemenExtra M.A. Students of Al-Khari school in Al-Mahabsha district, Hajjah governorate, held a protest on Thursday condemning the continuous crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemeni people. During the student protest…