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Tribes of Yemen denounce the criminal Isreal acts in Nablus

YemenExtra The tribes of Yemen condemned on Wednesday the continuation of the Zionist enemy entity forces in committing brutal and extremist crimes against the Palestinians who defend their land and honor, the latest of which the…

Two Civilains Injured By Cluster Bomb Explosion In Nehim

YemenExtra Two civilians were wounded by a cluster bomb explosion in Nehim district. The National Mine Action Program said that citizens Nawaf Ahmed Saleh Saeed, 30, and Mushtaq Abdul Wahed Hizam, 29, were wounded by the explosion of…

Saudi Army Kills, Injures Civilians, Sa’adah

Five civilians were killed and injured, with Saudi Army’s gunshots in Sa’adah governorate. The resource stated that Saudi Army’s targeted shops and civilians’ houses in Munabbih border district with machine guns, killing a civilian and…