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70 US-Saudi airstrikes target Shabwa and Marib provinces

YemenExtra The US-Saudi aggression coalition launched Thursday 70 raids on Shabwa and Marib provinces. The warplanes launched 50 airstrikes on the districts of Bihan and Usaylan in Shabwa province, causing severe damage to the citizens'…

Coalition wages 45 raids on Shabwa

The Coalition warplanes have launched 45 raids on Shabwa province, a security official said. The official added the Coalition's warplanes targeted the districts of Usailan and Baihan with 45 raids.

Coalition launches 27 raids on Marib

The Coalition warplanes have launched 27 raids on Marib province, a security official said. The official added the Coalition's warplanes targeted al-Balaq area in al-Wadi district with 20 raids and waged 7 raids on the districts of al-Joba…