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YPC: Aggression coalition seizes new oil ship

YemenExtra The US-Saudi aggression coalition forces seized on Sunday a new fuel ship, Spokesman for the Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), Essam Al-Mutawakel, said. The spokesman explained that the ship "RAGGIANA", which carries 8,867 tons…

June 26: An Update of the Saudi Crimes, Violations in Yemen

YemenExtra On Saturday, June 26, 2021, the US-backed Saudi-led aggression (coalition) against Yemen continued its airstrikes and bombings in several regions. While in Hodeidah, the Saudi-UAE aggressive forces continued to violate the…

FM meets Head of UNMHA

YemenExtra  Minister of Foreign Affairs Hisham Sharaf met here on Saturday with the Head of United Nations Mission to support Hodeida Agreement (UNMHA) - Chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) – General Abhijit Guha.…

June 23: An Update of the Saudi Crimes, Violations in Yemen

YemenExtra On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the US-backed Saudi-led aggression (coalition) against Yemen continued its airstrikes and bombings in several regions. While in Hodeidah, the Saudi-UAE aggressive forces continued to violate the…