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Army’s drones targets Saudi air base

YemenExtra The armed forces carried out an offensive operation on Saudi city of Khamis Mushait on Saturday. The army's spokesman Yahya Sari'e said the army's air forces launched 2 drones of Qasef-2k type on King Khalid Air Base in Khamis…

June 18: An Update of the Saudi Crimes, Violations in Yemen

YemenExtra On Friday, June 18, 2021, the US-backed Saudi-led aggression (coalition) against Yemen continued its airstrikes and bombings in several regions. While in Hodeidah, the Saudi-UAE aggressive forces continued to violate the Sweden…

Dhamar receives 4 released prisoners

YemenExtra Dhamar governor  Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti has received liberated prisoners al-Hamza Sadmam, Taha al-Washli, Mohammad Alwan and Talal al-Rumaishi from who were released from Ma'rib front. During the reception, Governor al-Bukhaiti…