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Sources Reveled :Oil Sector No.9 is Being looted By Saudis

YemenExtra The US-Saudi aggression continues to plunder the oil wells in the fields of Sector 9, west of Wadi Hadramout. According to sources, the Aggression brought in huge drilling equipment that works to deepen the drilled oil wells…

Dec 28: An Update of the Saudi Crimes, Violations in Yemen

YemenExtra Yesterday on Monday, the US-backed Saudi-led aggression (coalition) against Yemen continued its airstrikes and bombings in several regions. While in Hodeidah, the Saudi-UAE aggressive forces continued to violate the Sweden…

Houthi: We Managed to Win Over the Saudi Aggression

YemenExtra Today, Sunday, a member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed al-Houthi, confirmed that Yemen was able to defeat the US-backed Saudi aggressive led coalition with its large arsenal. "We can say today that we were able to…