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Mazn Foundation provides food to the teachers of 103 schools

 YemenExtra Y.A Thanks to Allah Almighty and under the slogan (together to support the continuation of the educational process), #Mazn Foundation has provided some food to the teachers of 103 schools of the new generation school in Al…

$200 million costs Saudi Arabia a day to fight Yemenis

YemenExtra Y.A The “Monitor” American site ,specialist in the Middle East, published an article, written by US politician Bruce Riddle, about the war on Yemen. The Middle East and South Asia adviser to the National Security Council…

Saudi-led coalition’s munition burns in Jizan

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 14,000 people,mostly civilians , the Yemeni joint forces destroyed ,Tuesday ,Saudi military vehicle in Jizan border province. The…