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Why did Houthi make fun of UAE?

YemenExtra Y.A The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, the UAE's talk about the international conventions on aviation safety while filing a complaint against Qatar, while the coalition is ignoring…

The Yemeni ladder that defeats Saudi-led coalition

YemenExtra Y.A  The battle of the Yemeni joint forces by which  when they stormed the site of Dabaa military sector of Najran, whereas they relied on the encroachment of the military site on large Yemeni ladders to curse their enemy and…

Saudi-led coalition’ dead bodiers lie down in Jizan

YemenExtra Y.A The sniper unit of the Yemeni joint forces ,Monday, shot dead three of the Saudi soldiers in Jizan . A military official told "YemenExtra" tht the Yemeni joint forces foiled an attempt of snaking in Jizan, inflicting their…

Mahwit province involvs in voluntary recruiting campaign

YemenExtra Mahwit province Governor, Faisal Haidr on Saturday inaugurated with local officials a voluntary recruiting campaign in the province to send reinforcement to the army in the battlefronts to defend the country against…