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Irish aid to Yemen set to jump next year

YemenExtra SH.A. IRELAND is to give additional funding of €500,000 towards the crisis in Yemen where over 20 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. This new funding is in addition to €750,000 provided last…

Pentagon admits presence of US troops in Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. The Pentagon admitted for the first time this week that it has “conducted multiple ground operations” in Yemen, the impoverished and war-ravaged country on the Arabian Peninsula, while conducting more than…

What about Cholera Outbreak in Yemen?

YemenExtra Health workers in Yemen have decried an acute shortage of medicine supplies amid an unfolding Cholera outbreak in the war-torn country. Aid workers and health personnel said on Friday the tightening blockade…

Saudi-led coalition’s heavy losses in Jizan

YemenExtra Y.A Inresponse to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 13,000 people,mostly civilians , the Yemeni joint forcs ,Friday, foiled a failure attempt of advancing by the paid fighters in Jizan.…

Saudi-led coalitions burns northern Midi desert

Yemenxtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 13,000 people,mostly civilians , the Yemeni joint forces, Friday, destroyed a tank belonging to the paid fighters northerb Midi…