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Yemeni Missile Lands in Jizan

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 15,000 people,mostly civilians , the missile force of the Yemeni joint forces launched Zelzal-II missile on gatherings of the…

India’s Secret Involvement in the War Against Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A Speculation has been rife over the past couple of years that Pakistan was clandestinely involved in the War on Yemen, but it turns out that it’s actually India which is the South Asian state playing a shadow role in…

A Successful Ambush Caused Losses amid Saudi-Led Coalition

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's nonstop air strikes that claimed the lives of about 15,000 people,mostly civilians , a number of the Saudi-led coalition's paid fighters were killed and wounded in an ambush by…

A Saudi Mechanism Destroyed, its Crew Killed in Jizan

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 15,000 people, mostly civilians , the Yemeni joint forces destroyed ,Tuesday, a military mechanism in Jizan. A military…