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Yemeni Joint Forces Ready to Defeat Saudi-Led Coalition

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's fatal air strikes that claimed the lives of about 15,000 people, mostly civilians , the sniper units of the Yemeni joint forces shot dead five Saudi-led coalition's paid fighters…

YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked

YemenExtra Y.A Why is Yemen not being described as a Holocaust. Why are the western governments and media refusing to use the H word when they use it so liberally to demonise target governnments or nations? Even Bana Alabed used it in…

Nehm is the Scene of Yemeni Missiles

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition's nonstop air strikes that claimed the lives of about 15,000 peopel, mostly civilians , the Yemeni joint forces fired ,Monday, a ballistic missile, Zilzal 1, on gatherings of…