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The Secessionist Wave Hits Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A The latest country to be hit by demands for a secession is Yemen. In the midst of the turmoil, bloodshed and deprivation that has been generated by the Saudi Coalition, genocidally bombarding the people of Yemen for…

YEMEN: A Vaccination will not Make the Bombs Go Away

YemenExtra Y.A The destruction of Yemen is a perfect example of how the international community can destroy a nation, kill thousands of its citizens, allow private companies to make £billions in profit from arms sales and without so…

Saudi-Led Coalition Dealt Harshest Defeat in Ta’az

YemenExtra Y.A In response to the Saudi-led coalition that claimed the lives of over 14,000 people, mostly civilians ,a number of the Saudi-led coalition's paid fighters lost their lives ,Saturday, in an attack on their sites in Ta'az…