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The War on Yemen and the Great Saudi ‘Modernizer’

Daniel Larison As Paul Pillar observed yesterday, Trump’s Riyadh speech amounted to “bowing to the Saudi regime.” The Wall Street Journal is predictably delighted, and encourages the administration to keep bowing: In…

Yemen, Cholera, Israel and WMDs

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Use of WMDs, bioweapons, cluster bombs, sarin gas would be impossible without network of CIA stooge governments, cardboard lothario dictators and narco-republics that provide basis for worldwide criminal…

US Moves Toward Major Intervention in Yemen

Thomas C. Mountain  attended Punahou School for six years some half a dozen years before “Barry O’Bombers” time there. He has been living and writing from Eritrea since 2006. He can be reached at thomascmountain at g_ mail_ dot _com…

The Disgusting U.S. Support for the War on Yemen

 Daniel Larison The Pentagon is pushing for increased U.S. support for an attack on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, despite the fact that this would exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the country and hasten the onset of famine:…

Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam

Thomas C. Mountain Thomas C. Mountain, author of “Storm Clouds Over South Sudan” in 2010 and “US Plan To Destabilize Sudan” in 2012 is a life long activist, educator and cultural historian, living and writing from Eritrea since 2006. He…