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Another Crime Committed on the Same Day in Saada Province

YemenExtra M.A. Two citizens were killed on Wednesday morning as a result of targeting passengers by the Saudi-led coalition jets. This is considered the second crime committed by the coalition in Saada Governorate within hours after a…

UN Convoy Finally Enters East Ghouta

YemenExtra M.A. After a vast period of time, a U.N. humanitarian aid convoy has got in to the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus. According to a UN source, at least 48 humanitarian aid trucks containing various of foods and medicine…

An Update of the Saudi Crimes on 29/10/2017

YemenExtra M.A. Fifty eight was the total amount of missiles launched by the Saudi-led coalition yesterday at several provinces, causing the death of a child and vast damages on property. A source told YemenExtra, on Sunday, about the…