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Health Minister Holds US Responsible For Targeting Civilians

YemenExtra M.A. Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil, confirmed numerous cases of serious injuries among the wounded of the Saudi bombing on Al Thabet market in Qitabir district. “The American regime is…

July 29: A Daily Update Of The Saudi Crimes Against Yemen

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is continuing its raids and bombardments on a number of provinces, leaving dozens of killed and wounded in Saada in a heinous crime that reveals the complicity of the United Nations.…

Saudi American War Crimes in Yemen on July 28th: Record

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition has continued on July 28, 2019, to carry out raids and bombardments on a number of Yemeni provinces, leaving behind a number of wounded people in Saada province and material damage to property.…