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Shocking Figures of Saudi Losses in its War against Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A Losses of Saudi Arabia in its war on Yemen amounted to $ 725 billion so far, Foreign Policy revealed. If these funds were spent on the rise of Saudi Arabia, it would have been risen and developed, it added. The…

Victims of migrants by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A The United Nations has confirmed Saudi-led coalition’s responsibility for targeting a camp of African migrants in al-Raqu market in Monabeh district of Saad province for the second time, killing 20 and wounding 45 in…

Red Cross Reports New Outbreak of Dengue Fever in Yemen

YemenExtra M.A. The International Committee of the Red Cross reported a new outbreak of dengue fever in war-torn Yemen on Monday, with thousands of cases reported and several dozen deaths. Robert Mardini, the ICRC’s U.N. observer,…

Is Saudi Arabia finally seeking peace with Yemen?

YemenExtra Y.A Ammar al–Ashwal | November 26, 2019 Nearly five years into the fierce war in Yemen, signs of an end to the fighting have emerged. It seems an international desire for peace in Yemen has been gaining strength,…

What happend to Saudi Arabia’s merecnaries in Yemen!

YemenExtra Y.A Hadi’s government escalated against international moves to achieve peace in Hodeida. While his West Coast spokesman, Waddah Al-Dabeish, continued his attack on the international mission in the city, calling for the…

UN Investigating Pro-Saudi Government Corruption

YemenExtra M.A. The dismissal of Hafez Mayad from the management of the Central Bank of Aden, on September 19, came after the international team of experts investigated cases of corruption and irregularities related to manipulation of…