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An Update of the Saudi Crimes on 29/10/2017

YemenExtra M.A. Fifty eight was the total amount of missiles launched by the Saudi-led coalition yesterday at several provinces, causing the death of a child and vast damages on property. A source told YemenExtra, on Sunday, about the…

SAA troops prepare final assault to capture capital

YemenExtra M.A. The battle for Deir Ezzor has reached a vital juncture as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) gets ready to liberate the provincial capital from the remaining Daesh (ISIS) terrorists. With more than half of the city under their…

“Daesh” Makes a Mass Graveyard Full of Dead Bodies

YemenExtra Y.A The Iraqi armed troops are waging a large-scale operation against the Daesh terrorist group , backed by Saudi Arabia, in the area of Al-Huwaji in the country ,targeting squeezing terrorists from the part of the country…

Updated Record of the Crimes Committed on 27/10/2017

YemenExtra M.A. The Saudi-led coalition has increased its crimes during the last 24 hours, most of them were committed in various districts of Saada province. Such crimes will not be tolerated because they leave innocent people either…

A Fresh Saudi Strike Kills Two Civilians in Northern Yemen

YemenExtra M.A. Two people were killed on Saturday as a result of raids launched by the Saudi-led coalition in Saada province, northern Yemen. The toll until now has reached two dead citizens but the number has a high chance of…