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Sudden role of a nuclear state in the Saudi war on Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. Britain's Daily Mail reported on Sunday (November 26th) the role of one of the largest European countries in the Saudi war on Yemen. The newspaper said that more than 50 British military training of Saudi…

Iran: US Palpably Supports Saudi Atrocities in Yemen

YemenExtra M.A. Iran on Sunday accused the United States of responsibility for atrocities in Yemen through its backing for Saudi Arabia, which is leading a coalition fighting people in Yemen. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Bahram…

ISIS turns former US base in Iraq into gruesome mass grave

YemenExtra Y.A Iraqi authorities have revealed that several mass graves containing the remains of at least 400 civilians executed by Daesh (ISIS) have been found at a former US military facility in the country’s Kirkuk Governorate.…

US Post 9/11 Wars ‘Budget’ Approaching $6 Trillion

YemenExtra Y.A The US is up to its neck in the quagmire of war and since 9/11 its oxymoronic “war on terror” has cost almost $ 6 trillion  to maintain. This shocking budgetary analysis has been released by the Watson Institute as part…

An Update with the Battles in the Southeast of Deir Ezzor

YemenExtra M.A. The Syrian Army liberated a strategic border-city of Albukamal, Wednesday, following a short battle with ISIS, southeastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Nevertheless, since the announcement of the…

Russian Forces Spread All over Deir Ezzor

YemenExtra M.A. Various operatives from the Russian Special Forces are currently deployed across Deir Ezzor province, a military source reported. The Russian soldiers and the Syrian Arab Army with their allies are in ongoing battle to…